Asbestos report

Find and Remove Violations Before They Cost You Money

An asbestos survey or inspection is required prior to any building/structure demolition, remodeling, renovation or repair.

All potential asbestos containing materials (PACM) must be tested to confirm or refute its contain.

The asbestos survey or inspection will identify the locations, quantities, friability and conditions of all types of Potential Asbestos Containing Material (PACM). A licensed Accredited Environmental Solutions asbestos inspector is responsible for identification and assessment of all types ACM, PACM throughout the building or part of the building that is to be demolished, renovated, remodeled or repaired.

After receiving laboratory results, Accredited Environmental Solutions will issue a report to be filed with your local building department in order to receive a permit for renovations or building demolition. The asbestos report will be signed by a licensed New York City Asbestos Investigator and emailed to expeditor. The ACP5 form is filed electronically with the DEP and is required by the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) before the construction permit will be issued.

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